These workshops are currently available for scheduling by NC AHEC regional mental health directors. Click on a workshop title to view detailed information: a program description, learning objectives, target audience, contact hours, and more.
- A Walk in My Shoes: Brief and Effective Cognitive Behavioral Strategies to Promote Effective Change
(Audrina Jones Bunton) - Adapting Dialetical Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents and Their Families
(Becca Edwards-Powell) - Adolescent Technology Use: Addiction, Culture, or Both?
(Katie Salmons) - Aftershock: Responding to the Aftereffects of Community Violence: An Overview
(Matthew Sullivan) - Balancing Change and Acceptance: Use of Dialectical Behavioral Strategies in Work with Families
(Becca Edwards-Powell) - Ethical Decision Making in Child Maltreatment Reporting: Exploring Best Practices for Professionals (Two-hour version)
(Amy Levine) - Ethical Decision Making in Child Maltreatment Reporting: Exploring Decision Making in Child Maltreatment Reporting (Four-hour version)
(Amy Levine) - Children & Anxiety: Signs, Symptoms, and Strategies
(Audrina Jones Bunton) - Creating Environments that Support Executive Functioning
(Eileen Slade) - Culturally Relevant Engagement Interviewing
(Betsy Bledsoe) - Effective Providers for Victimized Children
(Kelly Graves) - Engaging LGBTQ Youth and Families: How Do You Show You Are an Ally?
(Rachel Galanter) - Identifying and Addressing Anxiety and Trauma Related Disorders in Children and Adults
(Betsy Bledsoe) - Let’s Get Creative: 25 Brief, Interactive Strategies to Engage Children and Adolescents in Therapeutic Settings
(Amy Levine) - Potential Youth Violence: Behavioral Indicators, Prevention and Intervention
(Matt Sullivan) - Practical Applications of Mindfulness Strategies to Support Child and Adolescent Mental Health
(Amy Levine) - Promoting Family Harmony: Strategies to Foster Appropriate Screen Time Use for Children and Teens
(Ronni Zuckerman) - Recognizing Students Affected by Trauma and Best Approaches When Interacting with Students in Crisis
(Kelly Graves) - Responding to Community Violence, Bullying, and Suicide: Prevention and Intervention
(Matthew Sullivan)
- Sibling Support Across the Lifespan
(Eileen Slade) - Supporting Children’s Healing—Building Connections, Guiding Behavior
(Rachel Galanter) - Supporting Families of Children with Complex Needs
(Laurel Powell) - The Ethics of Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health
(Betsy Bledsoe) - The Ethics of Practice with Minors
(Kim Strom) - The Family Dynamics of Addiction: Impact on the Children
(Katie Salmons) - Trauma Informed Care in the Schools
(Kelly Graves) - Treating Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder
(Amy Levine) - When the Dam Breaks: Preventing and Planning for Mental Health Crises with People with IDD
(Laurel Powell) - Where the Healing Begins: Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Children and Adolescents
(Audrina Jones Bunton) - Youth Risk Behavior: Responding to and Assessing Adolescent Suicide
(Matthew Sullivan)