Each MSW student at our School has two advisors — a faculty advisor and a plan-of-study advisor — who are assigned upon the student’s admission. Each student who is completing a field education assignment also has a field advisor. The student meets separately with each advisor at least once per semester.
Educational Plan of Study
Each student designs a personal Educational Plan of Study, including required courses and elective courses, with help from the advisors. The plan provides a “road map” for the student’s journey and reflects both career goals and personal learning goals. By following the plan, each student can complete degree requirements, prepare for career success, and graduate on schedule.
Sometimes, personal or family situations may delay or postpone a student’s progress. In these cases, the student’s Educational Plan of Study may need adjustments or revisions. The student makes these revisions in consultation with the advisors and the associate dean for academic affairs.
Sarah Naylor, Associate Dean for Student Affairs, 919-962-6444