School of Social Work faculty member and associate dean for research and faculty development Sheryl Zimmerman will lead part of an $81 million grant studying the dementia workforce.
We spoke with Emily Fonseca, MSW ’23, and Leigh Strube, MSW ’13, to learn more about Fonseca’s practicum placement at Carolina Outreach in the first installment of our practicum conversations series.
Over the past 34 years, as the School of Social Work has created a bigger footprint and seen its influence and ability to help others around the state grow, practicum education has evolved with it.
The research and awareness-building efforts of a team of social work researchers is putting a spotlight on human trafficking of North Carolina’s youth and sparking initiatives statewide to combat it.
We spoke with associate professor Lisa de Saxe Zerden regarding her new role as editor-in-chief of Social Work, the official journal of the National Association of Social Workers.