An employee in this position will provide case management and services to pregnant women and children 0-5 years in the management for at risk children and care management for high risk pregnancies.
Examples of Duties
This is a fulltime social work postilion functioning as a Care Management for At-Risk Children (CMARC) and CARE Management for High-RIsk Pregnancies(CMHRP) programs. This position is responsible for providing comprehensive care management for children/families and pregnant women through contact in clinical, community and/or home settings. This position is responsible for assessing needs, developing a service coordination plan of care with the client or family that requires knowledge of community services, making appropriate referrals to resources, and providing follow up that ensures that goals are achieved. This position requires electronic documentation of contacts and meeting the caseload standard based on program guide lines.
Minimum Qualifications
Master’s or Bachelor’s degree from an accredited school of social work.