Duke Regional Hospital is now hiring PRN/PT social workers for our inpatient psych unit.
Weekday social workers conduct psychosocial assessments, liaise with supports / outpatient providers, (optionally) run groups, hold family sessions, and do discharge planning. Weekend social workers only do assessments and contact collateral for weekend admits.
Shifts could include weekends and/or weekdays (flexible) with a minimum of two shifts a month. PRNs are scheduled in advance, i.e., PRNs are not expected to cover last minute call outs (but could if interested). The position is open to LCSWs and LCSWAs. Pay is hourly and competitive. Deadline is rolling; however, applicants are encouraged to apply ASAP.
Christopher Scoville, MSW, MBA, LCSW, LCASA
Team Lead, Inpatient Psychiatry Social Work
Duke Regional Hospital Behavioral Health Center
3643 N. Roxboro St., Durham, NC 27704
Office: 919-470-6665
Cell: 919-451-6491
pronouns: he/him/his