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Collaborative for Implementation Practice launches website

Want to learn more about implementation science? You have a new resource — the Collaborative for Implementation Practice (CIP) has launched its updated website!

CIP, an initiative of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Social Work, is a multidisciplinary, international community of professionals who support implementation and evidence use. For social workers, implementation science helps ensure that evidence-informed interventions are applied, both in direct and macro practice.

“We hope [the website] becomes an open source destination for implementation practitioners,” said Allison Metz, director of implementation practice for UNC School of Social Work. “There is so much we can do with the site. Our vision is to use the site to grow the workforce, develop evidence for implementation practice, and advance equity through implementation.”

Metz added that the CIP team plans to develop interactive components as well as data capture on the website, which already offers practice guides, recordings from previous training events, and other resources.

“We are interested in using data capture to assess baseline competencies for implementation practice, so we can demonstrate improvement over time for folks who engage in any professional development and implementation coaching we offer,” she explained.

Visit the CIP website to learn more about implementation science for social work and other disciplines.