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New Satir training dates announced

The fourth annual Summer Intensive Training has been scheduled for July 16-21, 2018, in Chapel Hill. Cost for this unique, six-day experiential training is $1,500 per person, and 40 hours of continuing education credit through NBCC will be offered. More details (including information about scholarships and group discounts) will be available on our website after December 1.

SOWO 769 The Satir Model: Enhancing Individual, Couple, Family and Organizational Health, a 1.5 credit hour spring 2018 semester course for second year MSW students will be held over three Saturdays: January 27, February 3, and February 24 with March 3 scheduled as a snow/weather make-up day.

The UNC Satir program offers a variety of training opportunities for students, practitioners, and other professionals in the model developed by family therapy pioneer Virginia Satir. The model provides a powerful framework for creating positive change and better outcomes in therapeutic, organizational, and personal settings through the use of deeper, more effective communication skills. Visit us at for more information or call Stephanie Lind at (919) 843-3422 for immediate assistance.