A website created by the UNC School of Social Work is helping promote its doctoral candidates entering the job market.
The site was launched last year, and has been updated for 2015. It features each candidate’s biography, CV (academic résumé), and contact information. It is also searchable by categories of research interests, such as child welfare, social policy or global issues.
New this year is a section called “Where Are They Now?” that lists recent graduates, where they are currently employed, and their position.
Having a tangible product to market our doctoral students to potential employers is something that Sheryl Zimmerman, associate dean for doctoral education, says is beneficial to the students as well as the program. “When reviewing the site, you’ll quickly recognize that our students truly are stellar,” she said.
Just as they did last year, Zimmerman and Dean Jack Richman plan to email a site link to their contacts at universities nationwide and suggest that if their school has an opening that would be a good fit, or if they know of an opportunity elsewhere, to contact the candidate.
Also, since each person has a profile page on the site, the student can send a link to their page to a prospective employer.
The site was created in-house by the School of Social Work’s communications department, working in conjunction with Zimmerman and the doctoral students, who provided input on the site’s features and design. It is hosted on UNC servers at no additional cost to the School.
Visit the website and please share with your networks.