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Melissa L. Godwin

Clinical Associate Professor


Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building

Behavorial Health Springboard Suite, 4th Fl

325 Pittsboro Street

Chapel Hill, NC 27599

O: 919-962-6426

Melissa L. Godwin is a clinical social worker and clinical associate professor at UNC School of Social Work. Godwin has worked with the School’s Behavioral Health Springboard since 2007 and coordinates the statewide federally funded WorkFirst/Child Protective Services Substance Abuse Initiative, an Initiative of North Carolina Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services. Since 2004, she has also worked with the state to provide women’s gender responsive substance abuse services, technical assistance and training. Her clinical work has included direct practice in community health centers with high-risk pregnant women, women’s outpatient substance abuse treatment, and prevention services with adolescents and school based mental health. 

Primary Program

Behavioral Health Springboard