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Ehren Dohler

Ph.D. Candidate
Graduate Research Assistant

Ehren Dohler headshot


Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building


325 Pittsboro Street

Campus Box 3550

Chapel Hill, NC 27599

M: 734-546-2198

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Ehren Dohler is a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Social Work. His research focuses on safety net programs, homelessness, and housing insecurity. He has worked in the housing sector for more than a decade. He has helped advance housing assistance policy at the national level and in North Carolina and helped lead Continuums of Care in Missouri and North Carolina. He was awarded a summer research grant by UNC Center for the Study of the American South to examine FEMA assistance receipt after Hurricane Florence among mobile home residents in North Carolina.

Degrees and Licenses

AM, University of Chicago
BA, Northwestern University

Research and Professional Interests

Housing Policy
Poverty and Inequality
Disaster Response
Safety Net Policy