Syllabi are listed by course number and title, section number, and the instructor’s last name.
Undergraduate Coursework
SOWO 490, Preprofessional Special Topic
001, DeMarco
MSW Programs
SOWO 500, Human Development in Context I: Infancy to Adolescence
001, Lippold
002, Zuckerman
003, Taylor
004, Baca-Athas
957, Giles
959, Albritton
SOWO 501, Confronting Oppression and Institutional Discrimination
001, Albritton
002, Selz-Campbell
003, DeMarco
004, Przewoznik
957, Palmer
959, Selz-Campbell
SOWO 523, Generalist Field Seminar I
005, Dews
52, Zuckerman
88, Williams
095, Johnson
106, Levine
227, Williams
957, Palmer
958, Giles
SOWO 540, Social Work Practice with Individuals, Families, and Groups
001, McGovern
002, Taylor
003, Goode
004, Taylor
957, Goode
959, Williams
SOWO 570, Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities
001, Sansing
002, Przewoznik
003, Przewoznik
004, Van Deinse
957, Souders
959, Deck
SOWO 700, Substance Use and Addictions Specialist: Foundations of Addiction
001, McGuire
SOWO 741, Integrated Behavioral Health
001, Kanfer
SOWO 760, Substance Use and Addictions Specialist: Clinical Practice
001, Kanfer
SOWO 767, Differential Diagnosis and Case Formulation: Mental Health Treatment
001, Bainbridge
002, Ghezzi
SOWO 799, Special Topics in Macro Pactice: Community Organizing
001, Przewoznik
SOWO 840, Adult Mental Health: Theory and Practice
001, Ghezzi
002, Ghezzi
SOWO 841, Child and Adolescent Mental Health: Theory and Practice
001, Bledsoe
002, Taylor
SOWO 842, Families: Theory and Practice
001, McGuire
SOWO 843, Older Adults: Theory and Practice
001, Dews
SOWO 845, Health: Theory and Practice
001, Leff
SOWO 853, Approaches to Brief Treatment
001, Bledsoe
002, Bledsoe
SOWO 855, Treatment of Trauma and Violence
001, Lambert
002, Klein
SOWO 860, Child Welfare Perspectives and Practices
001, Levine
SOWO 874, Administration and Management: Theory and Practice
001, Adjabeng
SOWO 875, Community: Theory and Practice
001, Van Deinse
SOWO 881, Development Theory and Practice in Global Settings
001, Chowa
SOWO 883, Marketing and Fundraising for Nonprofit Organizations
001, Jones
Doctoral Program
SOWO 900, Foundations for Theory Construction
001, Fraga Rizo
SOWO 910, Research Methods in Social Intervention
001, Masa
SOWO 911, Introduction to Social Statistics and Data Analysis
001, Ansong
SOWO 913, Advanced Research Methods in Social Intervention
001, Chapman
SOWO 914, Measurement in Social Intervention Research
001, Lambert
SOWO 917, Longitudinal and Multilevel Analysis
001, Chen
SOWO 919, Special Topics in Doctoral Research
001, Kainz
SOWO 941, Teaching Practicum
001, Van Deinse/Albritton