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Carolina employees donate record-breaking $814,000 to charity

The annual State Employees Combined Campaign (SECC) ended with UNC-Chapel Hill employees raising about $814,000 – the highest in the campaign’s 23-year history.

Jack Richman, Ph.D., dean of the School of Social Work, served as chair of the University’s arm of the statewide campaign. More than 250 team leaders and volunteers were organized across campus to facilitate the effort, themed “Carolina Cares, Carolina Shares.”

“Despite tough economic times, Carolina employees stood up and supported the community,” said Richman, adding that most of the money raised locally stays in the Triangle.

School of Social Work Dean Jack Richman (left) and SECC State Chair Britt Cobb at the Feb. 23 campus campaign celebration

Campus volunteers gathered last month to celebrate the campaign’s success, where they were addressed by Britt Cobb, SECC state chair.

“The love that you have for helping others has not gone unnoticed,” said Cobb. “Because of the generosity and dedication of Carolina employees, many lives across North Carolina have been made better.”

The SECC is the only charitable giving program authorized for North Carolina state work sites, supporting about 900 local and national charities.

UNC-Chapel Hill employees are the largest contributors to the SECC statewide, raising 16 percent of the 2009 combined campaign total. Since 2001, Carolina employees have contributed more than $5 million.

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