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Tonya Van Deinse

Research Associate Professor


Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building


325 Pittsboro Street

Chapel Hill, NC 27599

O: 919-962-6428

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Tonya Van Deinse, Ph.D., MSW, is a Research Associate Professor at the UNC Chapel Hill School of Social Work and is a mental health services and implementation science researcher who uses community-engaged approaches to develop, implement, and evaluate interventions that span the mental health and criminal legal systems. Her current research projects focus on developing and testing tailored implementation strategies to enhance collaboration networks between behavioral health service providers and mental health probation officers, evaluating an expanded mental health court model, disseminating an implementation strategy to enhance workforce capacity for specialized mental health supervision (i.e., probation and parole), and evaluating cross-sectoral and cross-agency approaches to addressing intimate partner violence and sexual violence.

Degrees and Licenses

Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
MSW, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
BS, Hamilton College

Research and Professional Interests

Implementation Science
Mental Health Services
Criminal Legal Systems
Community Practice Social Work
Interorganizational Networks

Principal Investigator

Enhancing Specialized Mental Health Supervision with a Clinical Case Consultation Model
Enhancing Mental Health Treatment Engagement among Probationers - Adapting an Organizational Linkage Implementation Strategy for Specialty Mental Health Probation
Durham County Mental Health Court Expansion Initiative
Examining the Black Box: A Formative and Evaluability Assessment of Cross-sectoral Approaches for Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence
North Carolina Victims of Crime Needs Assessment
National Survey of Probation and Mental Health


Reducing recidivism and improving outcomes among probationers with mental illnesses: Combining mental health probation with supported employment
Re-assessing the Reliability and Validity of the North Carolina Department of Public Safety’s Risk and Needs Assessment for Offenders

Recent Publications

The Application of implementation science methods in correctional health intervention research: A Systematic Review

Strategies for Supervising People with Mental Illnesses on Probation Caseloads: Results from a Nationwide Study

Characteristics of probation officers’ service provider networks: Connecting individuals with mental illnesses to community-based supports

A Randomized Trial of Specialty Mental Health Probation: Measuring Implementation and Effectiveness Outcomes

Probation Officers’ and Supervisors’ Perspectives on Critical Resources for Implementing Specialty Mental Health Probation.

Using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research to examine implementation determinants of specialty mental health probation: Results from a hybrid efficacy-implementation study.

Presentations, Workshops and Media

Implementation science and translation: Disseminating innovations across probation contexts

Democratizing knowledge: Application of community-engaged methods to examine crime victim service accessibility across underserved and minoritized populations.

Are they all just bridging factors? Distinguishing between EPIS constructs within the context of co-located cross sectoral services for interpersonal violence.

Addressing Mental Illness among People on Probation in the United States.

The Application of Implementation Science Methods in Correctional Health Intervention Research

Probation supervision for people with mental illnesses: Challenges and supervision approaches


SOWO 570

Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities



SOWO 712

Research and Evaluation


Advanced Standing, MSW

SOWO 810

Evaluation of Social Work Interventions



SOWO 875

Interorganizational and Community-Level Theory and Practice



SOWO 941

Doctoral Teaching Practicum

