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Rebecca J. Macy

L. Richardson Preyer Distinguished Chair for Strengthening Families
Associate Dean for Research & Faculty Development
Editor-in-Chief Journal of Family Violence

Rebecca Macy, Ph.D.


Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building

325 Pittsboro Street

Chapel Hill, NC 27599

O: 919-843-2435

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Rebecca J. Macy, MSW, Ph.D., is a professor, the Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development, and the L. Richardson Preyer Distinguished Chair for Strengthening Families at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Social Work. She received her doctoral degree in social welfare from the University of Washington in Seattle. Her program of research comprises 17 years’ experience conducting community-based studies that focus on violence prevention, specifically intimate partner violence, sexual violence, human trafficking, and improving services for survivors of violence and trafficking.

Dedicated to finding the most effective and feasible strategies, she regularly conducts investigations in community settings, working in collaboration with survivors, service providers, and policy makers. Her research has been supported with funding from federal and state agencies, foundations, and private donors. Her research expertise also enriches her teaching in the MSW and PhD programs, particularly her courses in intervention research, quantitative methods, social work practice, as well as trauma and violence.

Macy has published 80 peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and invited commentaries, and has given more than 130 peer-reviewed and invited presentations at national and international venues. The rigor of her research and its benefit to practice has been recognized with awards from the North Carolina Division of Public Health, the Office of the UNC-CH Provost, and the Orange County Rape Crisis Center. In addition, Macy is a Fellow of the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare. She has been the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Family Violence since 2017. In 2019, she was appointed Guest Professor at Jinan University in Guangdong, China.

Degrees and Licenses

PhD, University of Washington
MSW, Tulane University
BA, Hanover College

Primary Program

Office of Strategic Research Priorities



Research and Professional Interests

Family Violence
Human Trafficking
Intimate Partner Violence
Sexual Assault
Community Engaged Research

Principal Investigator

Human Trafficking and North Carolina Corrections: Identifying and Responding to Victims and Women at Risk
Program Evaluation of Restore NYC Economic Empowerment Program
Orange County Domestic Violence and Housing Needs Assessment


Adaptation of the “Moms and Teens for Safe Dates” Program for Web-Based Delivery
Combination Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program for Rural Areas of Eastern North Carolina
School-Based Trafficking Program for High Risk Youth

Recent Publications

Macy, R. J., Ermentrout, D. M., Redmond, P. H., Jr., Rizo, C. F., & Pollock, M. D. (2017). From novel to empirical: Developing community-based programs into research-ready programs. Child Welfare Journal, 94(3), 151–166.

Macy, R. J., Martin, S. L., Ogbonnaya, I. N., & Rizo, C. F. (2018). What do domestic violence and sexual assault service providers need to know about survivors to deliver services? Violence Against Women, 24, 28–44. doi:10.1177/1077801216671222

Macy, R. J., Jones, E., Graham, L. M., & Roach, L. (2018). Yoga for trauma and related mental health problems: A meta-review with clinical and service recommendations. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 19, 35-57. doi:10.1177/1524838015620834

Macy, R. J. (2018). Identification, assessment and outreach (pp. 18-32). In A. Nichols, E. Heil, & T. E. Edmond (Eds.), Social work practice with survivors of sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.

Barth, R. & Macy, R. J. (2018). The grand challenge of ending family violence (pp. 56-80). In R. Fong, J. Lubben, & R. Barth (Eds.), The grand challenges for social work. Washington, DC and New York, NY: NASW and Oxford University Presses.

Presentations, Workshops and Media

Macy, R. J. (2019). Orange County North Carolina, domestic violence, and housing: A collaborative community-provider and researcher needs assessment. Orange County Partnership to End Homelessness (OCPEH) Leadership Team, Chapel Hill, NC.

Macy, R. J., & Wretman, C. J. (2019). Building evidence-based programs for the real world: Mixed methods in community-engaged, intervention research. Department of Social Work, School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Macy, R. J. (2018). Publishing in peer-review journals: Recommendations for success from an editor-in-chief. Juvenile and Family Law Research Center, Jinan University–Zhuhai, China.

“Focus Carolina: Rebecca Macy.” December 6, 2018. Chapelboro Local News


SOWO 940

Development of Social Intervention Models



SOWO 855

Trauma and Violence


MSW Direct Practice