Lisa de Saxe Zerden is an associate professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Social Work. She serves as the School’s Interprofessional Education (IPE) Director and is a Research Fellow with the Carolina Health Workforce Research Center at the Sheps Center for Health Services Research. She is currently the Deputy Director for the UNC-Behavioral Health Workforce Research Center, one of nine federally funded workforce research centers around the country.
Dr. Zerden is the PI for several HRSA and SAMHSA funded grants focused on integrated behavioral health, workforce development and research, and substance use curricula. She received her Ph.D. in Sociology and Social Work from Boston University School of Social Work and her MSW from the University of California at Los Angeles. Her research interests focus on the social drivers of health, including disparities that exacerbate drug use and behavioral health conditions. Her work explores inequitable access to treatment and prevention, the role of social workers in integrated health care, and policies to support these initiatives and improve health.
Pronouns: she/her
Degrees and Licenses
Ph.D., Boston University
MSW, University of California at Los Angeles
BA, George Washington University
Primary Program
PrimeCare, Office of Interprofessional Education and Practice
Safe Zone
Relational Leadership
Research and Professional Interests
Integrated Behavioral Health
Social Work Workforce
Interprofessional Education and Practice
Behavioral Health
Harm Reduction
Principal Investigator
Other Projects
I-STEP (interprofessional Substance Use Training Education Program)
Recent Publications
Zerden, L. D., Guan, T., & Burgess-Flowers, J. (2023). Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) in Oral Health Settings: A Systematic Review. Community Dentistry & Oral Epidemiology, [ahead of print].
Lombardi, B., Zerden, L. D., Prentice, A., Downs, S. G. (2023). Social work’s role in quality metrics towards value-based care. Social Work & Health Care, [ahead of print].
Zerden, L. D., Richman, E., Sullivan, C., Galloway, E. M., & Lombardi, B. (2023). Are DEA-waivered buprenorphine prescribers co-located with behavioral health clinicians? The American Journal on Addictions. [ahead of print], 1-18.
Zerden L. D., Ross, A., Cederbaum, J., Guan, T., Zelnick, J., & Ruth, B., (2023). Race, COVID-19, and Social Workers in Health Settings: Physical, Mental Health, PPE, and Financial Stressors. Health & Social Work, 48(2), 91-104.
Zerden, L. D., Lombardi, B. M., Guan*, T., Day, S., Jones, A., & Kanfer, M. (2023). Integrated care training and preparedness: Evidence from five years of post-graduation data. Journal of Social Work Education, 59(4) 1232-1240.
Zerden, L. D., Richman, E., Lombardi, B. M., Forte*, A. (2022). Essential but made to feel invisible: Low wage workers in hospital settings during COVID-19. Workplace Health & Safety, 70(11), 509-514.
Social Welfare Policy
Doctoral Teaching Practicum
Health Access and Health Disparities
HBSE Infancy to Young Adulthood
HBSE Adulthood to Older Adulthood