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Jonathan Rockoff

Educational Consultant


Tate-Turner-Kuralt Building

Suite 548

325 Pittsboro Street

Chapel Hill, NC 27599

O: 984-239-4075

Jonathan Rockoff joined the Family and Children’s Resource Program at the UNC School of Social Work in January of 2018 as a training specialist. He facilitates and creates trainings on child welfare topics, such as responding to child sexual abuse, substance use, trauma, coaching, foster care, and adoption.

Jonathan has more than 15 years of experience working directly with families who have experienced trauma. His in-depth expertise on family well-being has been shaped by his firsthand experience working in a variety of settings, including in-home services, juvenile justice, foster care, adoption, and education.

He also writes for a nationally recognized publication targeting child welfare professionals and resource parents, called Fostering Perspectives.

Primary Program

Family and Children's Resource Program