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Incoming students explore School on Welcome Weekend

By Kim Swanson

Student Services partnered with the School of Social Work’s Alumni Council in hosting their third annual Welcome Weekend on March 25-26. Over 90 newly-admitted students and their guests traveled from California, Wyoming, Colorado, Indiana, New York and several other states for the weekend events.

Participants had the opportunity to attend a mock class with Dr. Natasha Bowen about school social work or Dan Hudgins on Friday morning about social security. They also attended a “Certificate Programs, Dual Degrees and North Carolina Residency Fair” where they met staff, students and professors from their areas of interest. On Saturday, they heard from Dean Jack Richman, learned about financial aid, and had their questions answered by student panels.

The highlights of the weekend included a reception and lunch where students could meet each other, alumni, professors and current students. Wonderful energy filled the room as everyone shared their interests and made personal connections to the School. Over 30 professors, alumni, staff and students participated in order to create the warm, supportive environment everyone appreciates about the UNC School of Social Work.