The UNC School of Social Work maintained its top-five status in the National Science Foundation’s latest Higher Education Research and Development Survey.
This year’s five recipients of the Staff Impact Awards were recognized for their hard work, positive spirit, loyalty and more. The award winners display the breadth of the School’s service to the state and to the field of social work.
Johnson views herself as a partner and contributor in ensuring that faculty, staff, students and administration members of the School experience safety and well-being not just physically, but emotionally and psychologically.
Ramona Denby-Brinson, the dean of the School of Social Work, delivered the Carl A. Scott Memorial Lecture at the Council on Social Work Education’s 70th Annual Program Meeting in Kansas City, Mo., on Friday, Oct. 25.
School of Social Work Associate Professor David Ansong was one of four faculty members to receive project funding from the University’s first Translating Innovative Ideas for the Public Good Awards.
School of Social Work Distinguished Professor Trenette Clark Goings is making a big impact through her INSPIRED Lab and will receive the University’s Edward Kidder Graham Faculty Service Award in October.
School of Social Work Associate Professor Cynthia Fraga Rizo was announced as one of five recipients of the Thomas Willis Lambeth Distinguished Chair in Public Policy.