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Master of Social Work August student spotlight

by Chloe Yopp

To see more of our MSW student spotlights, click here.


Student Spotlight: Patrick Clifford (he/him)

Program: 12-Month Advanced Standing

How will your MSW degree help you achieve your goals?: My future goals like School Social Work and Therapy, require at least a Master’s Degree so I would say it’s pivotal to achieving my goals.

Why did you choose UNC School of Social Work?: I understand that UNC-Chapel Hill has one of the best social work programs, and once I was accepted into the program I knew it was my only option.

What is your “why”?: There are many reasons why I chose social work as a career. As an Afro-Latino man, I care deeply about social issues, particularly helping Black and Brown communities gain access to much-needed therapy. I also want to extend support to lower-income communities, knowing first-hand the challenges of relying on social programs for daily survival. I also recognize the lack of Black and Brown males in the field and hope to inspire young boys to consider social work as a career. I hope to show young people with behavioral challenges that there is still a path for them as well. As a father of four, I am motivated every day to create a better world for my children and all children, ensuring they have the opportunity to flourish.

Favorite food: Mexican, Italian and Dominican food!

Beach or mountains?: Beach