Professor Din Chen
Chen, D. G. (2016). Robustness for shrinkage estimate in combination of multivariate bioassay. Communications in Statistics -Theory and Methods, 45(18), 5380-5391.
Chen, D. G., Ting, N. & Ho, S. (2016) Informative priors or non-informative priors? A Bayesian re-analysis of binary data from Macugen Phase III Clinical Trials. Advance online publication. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation.
He, H., Pan, W. & Chen, D. G. (Eds.). (2016). Statistical causal inferences and their applications in public health research. Springer.
Hu, X., Chen, X., Cook, R. L., Chen, D. G. & Okafor, C. (2016) Modeling drinking progression in youths with cross-sectional data: Solving an under-identified probability discrete event system. Current HIV Research, 14, 93-100.
Musekiwa1, A., Manda, S., Mwambi, H. G. & Chen, D. G. (2016) Meta-analysis of effect sizes reported at multiple time points using general linear mixed model. PLOS ONE, 11(10), 1-13.
Clinical Associate Professor Emeritus Dorothy Gamble
Gamble, D. N. (2017). Farm to table – Promoting nutritious and affordable food in a state with varied cultural traditions and scarce water. In A. L. Matthies & K. Narhi (Eds.), The ecosocial transition of societies: The contribution of social work and social policy (pp. 234-250). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Clinical Associate Professor Sarah Verbiest
Verbiest, S., Bonzon, E. & Handler, A. (2016). Postpartum health and wellness: A call for quality woman-centered care. Advance online publication. Maternal and Child Health Journal. doi:10.1007/s10995-016-2188-5