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Students graduate from PrimeCare program

On May 7, the second cohort of MSW students graduated from the School of Social Work’s UNC-PrimeCare program. This federally funded integrated healthcare initiative aims to expand the behavioral healthcare workforce by rigorously preparing students to work in primary care settings as behavioral and mental healthcare specialists. The goal is for physicians and mental health professionals to collaborate as a team to ensure that patients have easy access to the physical and mental health services they need and if possible, all in one setting. Nearly two dozen PrimeCare students completed the program this year, including special classes and seminars to prepare them to work in integrated settings. At the same time, students completed a two-semester field practicum at a health care clinic or agency that provides integrated care. The School of Social Work was one of more than 30 social work schools tapped in 2014 to create an integrated healthcare education program and received the second largest grant to support the initiative.