Incoming MSW student Daniel Ball is a recipient of a competitive award from GlaxoSmithKline, the GSK Opportunity Scholarship.
Administered by Triangle Community Foundation, this scholarship fund offers local residents who have overcome significant adversity, the opportunity to pursue their dreams and improve their lives through education or training.
GSK is one of the world’s leading research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. The company held an awards ceremony at their Research Triangle Park location on July 22 to honor the six scholarship recipients.
Last month, GSK came to the UNC School of Social Work to film a profile of Ball.
“I won’t soon forget that day,” wrote Bradd Pavur of GSK, on the company’s blog. “Danny and I discussed his personal story, which includes a childhood filled with severe neglect, being separated from his parents, and during the next 14 years being placed in 20 foster homes. Danny now focuses on his education. He is about to begin pursuing a masters degree in social work so he can help others who share similar struggles. As he told me his story, the inner strength and determination he conveyed, and his clear passion for helping others filled the room. I have absolutely no doubt he’ll achieve his goals.”
At the School of Social Work, Ball is also receiving a Dean’s Research Award, and will be working as a research assistant with one of our faculty members. He was also recently featured in NASW News.