A group of students, faculty and staff from the UNC School of Social Work broke into dance on campus to raise awareness about the School and the field of social work.
The flash mob was organized by the students in the Social Work Student Organization (SoWoSo) and the Self Care Caucus; coordinated by Rachel Albert (SoWoSo Tri-Chair) and choreographed by Allison Harrison and Stephanie Wilhoit Reeves. Other students participants included Lauren Absher, Nellie Placencia, Jackie Mroz, Rhonda Bennetone, Elisa Ford, Becky Kyle, Brittany Little, Hannah Legerton, Lindsay Lassiter, Christy Bullins, Julia Wessel, and Liz Leon; and faculty member Tauchiana Vanderbilt and staff member Brenda Vawter. Student Albert Thrower assisted the School’s communications team with videography.
It was performed on Feb. 19, 2013, during lunchtime at “The Pit,” in the central part of the Carolina campus.
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