Betsy Bledsoe co-authored an article to be published in the Journal of Evidence Based Social Work, “Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Social Agencies: An Overview of the BEST Training with Practitioner Responses”; and an article in the Journal of Social Work Education, “Examining the Public Face of Social Work Education: A Study of Training Program Websites’ Inclusion of Evidence-based Practice.”
Bledsoe co-authored a book chapter, “Chapter 7: Addressing the Barriers to EBP Implementation in Social Work: Reflections from the BEST Project” in the Task-Centered Approach to Evidence-Based and Integrative Practice, Lyceum Press.
Trenette T. Clark received a National Institute of Health/National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research Program award that supplements the NIDA R01, “Elucidating Links Between ADHD Symptoms and Tobacco/Alcohol Use Trajectories (Bernard Fuemmeler, P.I.).” Clark is P.I. of the research supplement and subcontract from Duke to UNC totaling $197,770 over two-years. She will use the grant to continue her research on race/ethnicity differences in substance use trajectories.
Matthew Howard‘s article, “Inhalant Use and Inhalant Use Disorders” was published in the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s on-line journal Addiction Science & Clinical Practice. This journal also goes out to 25,000 practitioners.
Howard gave a talk, “What Lawyers Need to Know about Addicted and Mentally Ill Clients,” in Greensboro Sept. 9 to the Annual Conference of the N.C. Bar Association.
Johna Hughes, Mollie Sullivan and Cynthia Wiford of the Behavioral Healthcare Resource Program have collaborated with Dr. Barbara Burns and Linda Maultsby of the Services Effectiveness Research Program in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at The Duke University School of Medicine over the past year to evaluate the effectiveness of the state policy regarding the transition of youth out of Level III and IV Residential Facilities. The N.C. Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services and the Division of Medical Assistance made significant changes in Medicaid and state-funded children’s residential treatment services in July 2009 in anticipation of significant budget cuts by the state legislature. The results of this study are expected to be published in the near future.
Rebecca Macy gave a training in Greensboro entitled, “Intimate Partner Violence & Mental Health” at a Domestic Violence Conference sponsored by the United States Attorney’s Offices for the Eastern, Middle and Western Districts of North Carolina Office for Victims of Crime. The theme of the conference was “Rebalancing Justice: Supporting Victims.”
Sherry Mergner is giving a workshop presentation at the UNC School of Social Work on Sept. 24 from 10:00 a.m.-noon on “The ParentingSpectrum: The Challenges and Gifts of Raising a Child with Autism.”
Lisa de Saxe Zerden co-authored an article entitled, “Community-based Addiction Treatment Staff Attitudes About the Usefulness of Evidence-based Addiction Treatment and CBO Organizational Linkages to Research Institutions” out now in Evaluation and Program Planning (v. 34). She was also invited to participate as a panelist on mental health and harm reduction at the “Reducing Harm and Building Communities: Drug Use in the South” conference, held at Research Triangle International Sept. 8-9, 2011.
Former dean Morton Teicher has been named a NASW Social Work Pioneer.