First-year MSW student Wendy Pittman wrote a grant proposal that was awarded $1,300 to fund a new after-school program for the students at her field placement, Carrboro Elementary School.
The program is aimed at students living in a public housing development in the district. In this neighborhood, all of the students are African American and 50% of these students are non-proficient, with an additional 20% in danger of falling below grade level. The program is designed to provide structured activities and games as well as homework assistance twice a week. Carrboro Elementary is partnering with Communiversity at The Stone Center to get volunteers, and just began a 10 week pilot program called “Celebrating Strong Black Youth,” designed by 3C Family Services in Cary.
The grant is from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public School Foundation, and will provide supplies and a small stipend for a director.
Kerry Sherrill, MSW ’90, is Pittman’s field instructor at Carrboro Elementary.
Thank you to Tauchiana Vanderbilt for contributing to this story.