Carolyn Winberry Phillips, MSW ’60, of Lexington, died Sept. 10 at age 79, at Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem. She was a member of the Davidson County Task Force for Community Alternatives for Children, was chairman of the steering committee that organized the Davidson County Domestic Violence Services, was a member of the Juvenile Justice Committee of the Governor’s Crime Commission and was a member and secretary-treasurer of the North Carolina Certification Board for Social Work. She also served on the Davidson County Social Service Board.
Warren L. Wheeler, MSW ’82, age 61, of Raleigh, passed away peacefully at his home Aug. 9. He was cared for by his family, friends and Duke Hospice. Warren worked as a licensed clinical social worker assisting the poor and helping people with mental health concerns. He is a Vietnam Veteran and received a Purple Heart.