Deborah Barrett, Ph.D. has written two short plays that will be performed at the Carrboro ArtsCenter’s annual PlaySlam On Sat., Nov. 6 at 8 p.m. At this event, each play lasts 1-3 minutes and actors have about that much time to prepare, and then the audience votes on its favorite. Barrett’s plays are entitled “The Pact” about two 39-year-olds who, twenty years earlier, had promised to marry each other if no one else would have them by age 40; and “The Last Word” about an interchange between an executioner and a death-row inmate.
Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Ph.D. and Andréa Taylor, MA presented at the Assets Learning Conference in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 23. Grinstein-Weiss presented on social, civic, and child outcomes from a longitudinal study of low-income homeowners and renters. Taylor presented on the N.C. HOPE project, which combines a matched savings program with obesity prevention for low-income women in rural North Carolina.
Doctoral student Jenna Tucker also attended the conference and was sponsored by the Annie E. Casey Foundation to participate in the pre-conference session for graduate students in asset building.
Shenyang Guo, Ph.D. conducted webinars on Sept. 1 and 7 on “Propensity Score Strategies for Evaluating Substance Abuse Services for Child Welfare Clients.” Many people from Children’s Bureau attended (68 for the first session, and 42 for the second). Guo was invited to present by the director of the Office on Child Abuse and Neglect at DHHS.
Rebecca Macy, Ph.D. gave a talk Oct. 1 at Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point to help them kick off domestic violence awareness month. She spoke on “Domestic Violence: Current Practices & Promising Directions.”
Sherry Mergner, MSW spoke at an autism conference that was co-sponsored by the School of Social Work.
Anna Scheyett, Ph.D. gave a talk for the Mecklenburg Program Unit of NASW-NC in September, on “Mental Illness and Criminal Justice.”