Elizabeth Taylor Wilson, MSW ’51, celebrated her 84th birthday and her 60th wedding anniversary in July and August.
Wilson graduated one year after the school’s transition to a functional approach to social work guided by Dr. Arthur Fink. After her graduation she worked at the alcohol rehabilitation center in Butner, N.C., and in the child guidance clinic in the department of psychiatry at Duke Medical Center. After working a short stint at the VA in Durham, she concentrated on rearing her children, but found time to work with Contact Durham, a telephone crisis and suicide center. She also served on an educational advisory board for the Durham school system and on her church’s governing board. She was a girl scout leader and cub scout den mother for many years.
She is married to William P. Wilson, M.D., professor emeritus of psychiatry at Duke University Medical Center. She has five married children, 18 grandchildren and two great grandchildren.